PowerPlatformTip 82- ‘Automated Code Commenting’ 

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💡 The Challenge:

Writing code comments in your Power Apps formula can be time-consuming and sometimes overlooked, yet it’s crucial for maintainability and collaboration.

✅ The Solution:

Leverage AI, specifically ChatGPT, to automatically generate insightful and detailed comments for your Power Apps formula. This tip is inspired by Shane Young.

🔧 How It’s Done:

  1. Prepare Your Formula: Have your Power Apps formula ready.
  2. Use ChatGPT: Input your formula into a ChatGPT-enabled platform and request for code comments.
  3. Review and Implement: Once the comments are generated, review them for accuracy and then incorporate them into your Power Apps formula.

Example Prompt:

“Please add code comments to my Power Apps formula, but keep the code as it is:”

📌 Unique Tips:

  • Batch Processing: If you have multiple formulas, you can batch them together and request comments in one go.
  • Quality Check: Always review the generated comments to ensure they accurately represent the code’s functionality.

🎉 Result:

You’ll have a well-commented Power Apps formula that is easier to understand, maintain, and collaborate on.

🌟 Key Advantages:

  1. Efficiency: Save time by automating the commenting process.
  2. Clarity: AI-generated comments can provide insights that you might have missed.
  3. Collaboration: Well-commented code is easier for team members to understand and work on.

Unlock the full potential of code commenting by integrating AI, like ChatGPT, into your Power Apps development process!

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