PowerPlatformTip 80 – ‘Rapid Dynamic Forms with AI’

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💡 The Challenge:

Creating dynamic forms in Power Apps can be time-consuming, especially when Microsoft Forms doesn’t meet your needs due to its limitations on dynamic content. Additionally, using a Form Control for manual static data like a JSON array is not feasible, as it comes with a predefined structure and fields.

✅ The Solution:

Reza Dorrani (Power Apps Dynamic Form Schema | Add Controls on the fly) offers an innovative approach to this problem. He uses a simple gallery in Power Apps and populates it with various input fields. The magic happens when he uses a JSON array as the data source for the gallery, allowing for dynamic form creation.

🤖 AI-Powered Speed:

With the help of AI, specifically ChatGPT, you can generate the content for these dynamic forms in less than a minute. This significantly speeds up the form creation process, making it incredibly efficient.

🔧 How It’s Done:

  1. Gallery Setup: Create a gallery in Power Apps and add all the input fields you might need (text boxes, drop-downs, etc.).
  2. JSON Data Source: Use a JSON array as the data source for the gallery. This can be loaded dynamically from various sources if needed.
  3. Dynamic Display: The JSON array dictates which fields to display. Each item in the array corresponds to a field in the gallery.
  4. Data Handling: Once the user fills out the form, you have two options for handling the data:
    • Save as JSON: You can save the entire output as a JSON object.
    • Power Automate and Parse JSON: Use Power Automate to trigger a flow that parses the JSON data for further processing.

🎉 Result:

You get a fully dynamic form that can adapt to various needs and scenarios, far surpassing the capabilities of standard form tools like Microsoft Forms and Form Controls for static data.

Key Advantages:

  1. Highly Dynamic: Adapt the form fields on-the-fly based on user interaction or other conditions.
  2. Data Flexibility: Easily handle the form data in various ways, either by saving it as a JSON object or by using Power Automate for more complex workflows.
  3. No Premium Required: This method doesn’t require any premium connectors or actions, making it cost-effective.
  4. Rapid Deployment: With AI assistance, you can create a new form in less than a minute, making this approach incredibly efficient for dynamic needs.

By using Reza Dorrani’s method coupled with AI, you can create highly dynamic and adaptable forms in Power Apps in record time, offering a robust solution for complex scenarios.

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